Channel sounding flights were conducted at Edwards Air Force base from 1998 to 1999 to quantify the multipath interference in aeronautical telemetry applications. The effort was sponsored by the Advanced Range Telemetry (ARTM) Program. The sounding signal was transmitted from an airborne transmitter and received by a ground station equipped with a parabolic reflector antenna with tracking capability.
Michael Rice, Steven Tretter, and Peter Mathys, "On Differentially Encoded M-Sequences," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 49, no. 3, pp 421-424, March 2001.
The ARTM multipath channel sounding was conducted at L and S band frequencies. The &E S&T program has funded channel sounding activities at 4 and 8 GHz. The channel sounding flights were conducted at Edwards AFB. The sounding signal was transmitted from an airborne transmitter and received by a ground station equipped with a parabolic reflector antenna with tracking capability.
Channel Sounding Flights
Flight Number
Carrier Frequency
Receive Antenna Diameter
8015 MHz
2 feet
20 May 2004
14548 MHz
2 feet
2 June 2004
2236.5 MHz
4 feet
12 August 2004
Michael Rice and Qiang Lei, "SHF Multipath Channel Modeling Results," in Proceedings of the International Telemetering Conference, Las Vegas, NV, October 2005, pp. 101-110.
Michael Rice and Q. Lei, "SHF Channel Sounding Experiments," presented at the International Telemetering Conference, San Diego, CA, October 2004.
Michael Rice, "SHF Channel Modeling," presented at the Instrumentation Test Technical Symposium, New Orleans, LA, August, 2004.
Michael Rice, "SHF Channel Modeling," presented at the T&E/S&T EA Workshop, Destin, FL, 2003.